2016 Likes for Lives Campaign Raises $528 for Mount Carmel's Mobile Mammography Coach - Donaldson Plastic Surgery

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By Jeffrey Donaldson, MD |

2016 Likes for Lives Campaign Raises $528 for Mount Carmel Foundation’s Mobile Mammography Coach

Every October for the past 6 years, Donaldson Plastic Surgery has conducted the Likes for Lives Campaign. This happens every October during breast cancer awareness month, and raises money for research and treatment.Donaldson Plastic Surgery Likes for Lives Check for Mount Carmel Foundation's Mobile Mammography Coach in Columbus, OH

During this annual effort, the DPS Cares Fund donates one dollar for every “like” the Donaldson Plastic Surgery’s Facebook fan page receives. So far, the 500-likes-in-one-month goal has been achieved and surpassed each time — including, most recently 528 likes in 2016!  This brings the total amount raised over the last 6 years to nearly $6,000.

This year’s donation recipient is Mount Carmel Foundation’s cancer services program, with the funds being put towards sponsoring their Mobile Mammography Coach. This non-profit organization is dedicated to funding mission-driven health and education programs. The Foundation’s services program offers education for patients, survivors, and family, along with risk reduction services that emphasize early identification and treatment.

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